Domotz will help you satisfy CIS Critical Security Controls

The CIS Critical Security Controls is a prioritized set of safeguards to mitigate the most prevalent cyber-attacks against systems and networks. Did you know that Domotz network monitoring software can help you satisfy certain CIS controls?

Domotz will help your IT business follow and improve upon the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls. CIS Controls are essentially a cornerstone of all security frameworks. Our network monitoring software enables your organization to meet certain safeguards associated with various CIS controls.

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What is Network Security?

How Domotz helps with CIS controls

Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets

Control 1 - Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets

Many service providers stop at the end-points (PCs, Laptops, Servers) and possibly the network infrastructure, but every device that is on the network should be managed.

Domotz can help you satisfy the safeguards in this control through discovering every MAC address on a network, discovering multiple MAC Addresses associated with a device and by classifying devices by manufacturer, model, and type of device.

Domotz also discovers when un-authorized devices connect to a network, logs historical information and performs ongoing passive asset discovery.

Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software

Control 4 – Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software

To protect your environment, you must establish a process of securely configuring and maintaining your systems.

Utilizing Domotz, you can easily maintain a secure configuration process for your network infrastructure.

Furthermore, your managed switch and firewall configurations are backed up in the Domotz cloud, making it easy to save and restore systems as needed.

Additionally, Domotz scans each device on the network for common TCP ports.