Case Study | Elevating Network Performance with Domotz

New Land Solutions, a prominent player in the field of IT and AV integration, sought to elevate its network management capabilities.

By leveraging Domotz’s advanced monitoring and management platform, they aimed to overcome critical operational challenges and enhance service delivery for their clients.

New Land Solutiion Case Study
About the client
About the client

New Land Solutions is an established IT and AV integration company renowned for delivering comprehensive technological solutions to a diverse range of clients.

With a strong reputation for excellence, they cater to various sectors including corporate, education, healthcare, and hospitality. Their service offerings range from small-scale installations to large enterprise deployments, encompassing everything from audio-visual systems and network infrastructure to security solutions and smart building technologies.

The Challenge
The Challenge

Despite their expertise, New Land Solutions faced several challenges that hindered their efficiency and client satisfaction:

  • Limited visibility across their clients' networks
  • Difficulty in remote troubleshooting and management
  • Inefficient device management and monitoring
  • A need for proactive network monitoring to prevent issues before they escalate
The Solutiion
The Solution

To address these challenges, New Land Solutions implemented the following key features and benefits included:

  • Real-time Network Monitoring: Providing continuous insights into network performance and device status
  • Remote Access: Enabling technicians to troubleshoot and resolve issues without needing to be physically present
  • Automated Alerts: Proactive notifications about potential problems, allowing for swift intervention
  • Centralized Device Management: Simplifying the oversight and control of all network-connected devices from a single dashboard

"We would not have been able to attack new customer markets with the existing monitoring solutions available prior to discovering Domotz. Domotz has kept us out of jail more than 1 time."

Luke Newland, Director


Check white icon Money & Time Saved
From rebooting skyboxes to configuring and setting up new devices, New Land Solutions saves being able to perform key troubleshooting actions from remote
Check white icon Expansion & Growth
New Land Solutions can expand its service offerings and offer more flexible tiered price points on managed services because Domotz is affordable enough to be scalable
Check white icon Disaster Prevention & Security
New Land Solutions can offer new services related to smart home security because of Domotz's'reliable and comprehensive features
Check white icon Helping Pilots Land Helicopters
A helicopter pilot could not land because of severe fog, and the security camera was down. We used Domotz to reset the power remotely, and the pilot was able to land safely

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